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Frequently Asked Questions
It depends on where you are. It usually takes 1-3 business days to process and ship your order. The delivery time is 7-20 days, but most customers get their orders in 2 weeks.
We have a free 30 day return policy starting from the delivery day. For more information please read the complete Return & Refund Policy. We also provide a 12 month warranty.
We provide free worldwide shipping on all orders. Please read more in our Shipping Policy.
We use UPS, USPS, DHL and FedEx for the US orders. We may use other carriers for international orders.
We will email order tracking information once your order ships.
Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will apply, and will be added at checkout. We run discounts and promotions all year, so stay tuned for exclusive deals.
All our sabers feature multiple colors in one. You do not need to choose a saber with a specific color. Instead you can switch the colors on the fly with a button press.
Our store features several types lightsaber electronics: Baselit, Proffie and SN Pixel.
Our sabers come come with the most popular blade size - 36" (92cm). If you want a shorter blade we have new and used blades of different sizes available for sale.
Our hilts and blades are made from very tough materials. However, the neopixel blades are noticeably heavier than RGB blades and also feature LEDs and electronics inside. Hence, we recommend to limit them to medium dueling.
Our sabers come with multiple ignitions, blade effects and soundfonts. These features enable many unique modes in one saber.
We offer a 30 day return policy since delivery. If you are past 30 days return period and you sabers has manufacturer defects you will be protected by our 12 months warranty.
You can contact us or email us at
Once your saber ships, you will receive an email with tracking information. We suggest you check the spam folder to make sure you do not miss our emails.
We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal and Venmo. We also accept interest free installment payments via Shop Pay. Your product will be handled and shipped normally without a delay.